Tyson Parent Advisory Committee Mission Statement


Tyson Elementary Parent Advisory Council represents a friendly, welcome and open forum between parents and staff. We provide support for positive educational experiences.

  • Goal # 1 - For parents to have the opportunity to participate in the school life of their children.
  • Goal # 2 - Unite parents and teachers by fostering positive communication.
  • Goal # 3 - Nurturing community involvement by providing various opportunities.

PAC Executive elections take place in May for the upcoming school year and the PAC must abide by our adopted Constitution & Bylaws (attached at the bottom of this page).

The PAC Executives work hard throughout the school year to provide enhancements to your child's school experience. Your support is appreciated in all forms – you don’t have to volunteer but we encourage you to come to meetings and stay informed.

Weekly PAC updates will be communicated in the Principal’s emails along with the PAC Facebook and Instagram pages. The PAC also has a monthly email containing meeting minutes, projects, DPAC communications and ongoing information to be shared. Please opt in/out of our mailing list here.
  • President: Kara Van Leeuwen
  • Member at Large: Kayla Groenwold
  • Treasurer: Brittany Clary
  • Secretary:  Jessie Kik 
  • DPAC Rep - Open Position






Through fundraising and government gaming grants, we are able to provide or purchase:
• teacher asks such as special activities or guest speakers, materials or equipment, classroom enhancements, etc
• field trip and/or bussing subsidies
• contribution toward year-end celebrations and treats throughout the year
• a hardcopy One School, One Book for each family every year
• and so much more!

The PAC Executives only execute on items the PAC have asked for and agreed to. It's important for parents/guardians to attend PAC meetings (or read the minutes) and become involved in ongoing projects and discussions. We want to hear from you and execute on what you want for your kids and our school community!

All meetings are held at the school in the library.  We try to keep them to 1 hour.

  • September 25 @ 6pm  
  • October 16th at 6pm
  • November 18th at 6:30pm
  • January 22nd at 6:30pm
  • February 13th at 6:30pm
  • April 10th at 6:30pm
  • Annual General Meeting: May 7th at 6:30pm
  • June 5th at 6:30pm

Join us at monthly meetings where parents have the opportunity to share information regarding PAC plans and projects, learn about school activities and programs and get updates from the Administrative Staff. There is no pressure to volunteer! Come and listen is all we ask.
Notice of upcoming meetings will be sent by the Principal and posted on Facebook and Instagram as well as the list above. We are currently hosting PAC meetings both in person and virtual – see below how to join a virtual PAC meeting. The meeting minutes are posted here.


The Constitution & Bylaws (known as C&Bs) are the rules for PAC governance and should reflect the goals and priorities of the PAC members. The current C&Bs state a review of the C&Bs should be conducted every 2 years. Our PAC committee completed a review during the school year of 2023/24. This year and ongoing we will be proposing and voting to amend small parts of the C&B ongoing throughout the year during general PAC meetings. Proposed changes will be posted and voted upon. Approved changes will be incorporated and posted to our C&Bs here. 

At Tyson Elementary, there are many ways to get involved as a volunteer at school. Volunteers are needed in the library, in classrooms, at special events, for field trips, to support sports teams, etc. Please speak with the Principal or your child's teacher(s) to get involved.

Volunteers are also needed to help run all the fun PAC driven events, fundraisers and hot lunches. You can view and sign-up for PAC related volunteering opportunities. https://signup.com/mobileweb/2.0/vspot.html?groupkey=1165766426056%23group_pag 

Parents will be asked to complete a free Criminal Record Check (through the RCMP) which is kept on file. Please contact the school for more information.


Order hot lunch and fundraising items here: https://munchalunch.com/schools/tyson

To volunteer with hot lunch, a sign-up appears at the end of the Munch a Lunch ordering process or you can contact us at tysonpachotlunch@gmail.com.

Note: If your child is absent the day of hot lunch and you have ordered food for them, you can email us (above) and pick up the lunch after 11:45AM otherwise we will give it away to another student without a lunch.

If you forgot to order lunch and want to bring a lunch for your child, there will be a table at the front entrance where you can label the lunch and we will call your child up to come get it. Please deliver the lunch by 11:40AM.

Upcoming hot lunches, fundraising events and due dates are all posted on the School Calendar.

Each year the PAC will run various fundraising campaigns if sufficient volunteers are available. We've had the most success with these campaigns so far:
  1. Coupon Book
  2. Puzzle Night
  3. Neufelds Farm Market
  4. Holiday Market
  5. Movie Night
  6. West Coast Seeds
  7. Purdy's
  8. Sports Day Concession
  9. Bottle Depot (Express Return - use 604-824-0517)

If you have fundraising ideas or want to volunteer please contact us: tysonpacfundraising@gmail.com